Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

My last trip with Ghita,Syafira,dan Bagus

When we were talking about this satnite just at home,so we made some trip with the motorbike. when sapta was coming i made she was angry , i told my maid "tolong bilang oxy ga ada" and then she called me and i went to her. i told her to go to Syafira's house. When they were coming ,i just made they angry!you know? they wait for me for 20 minutes. @8.45 pm i went to them and i said to call bagus.Bagus made them ANGRY AGAIN!He went very fast !SAPTA is "KEBAKARAN JENGGOT" hahaha.. but after that we went to Hillary's house we said "chika,main yuk" (we didn't know that she was wushu) we went again ,in the way SAPTA said " laper makan yuk " gua"makan mulu!!" hahaha and then we wanted to go to yusuf's house .when we were on the way sapta was went too fast me,Bagus,andSyafira went to left and she just went so fast!we stopped and we met MR.ZAINAL with his beat. Syafira was nerveous because she didn't use her fail(kerudung ,takut salah)after that when the time was @9.15 we went home ,me and Bagus were went tto Syafira's house but she didn't know. i went home @9.25. i gave Bagus pocari sweat because he is thirsty. that's my trip thus night !good night!